New Moon riot in Aries

New Moon in Aries Sunday April 3rd at 10:32 am eastern time.

It’s a cosmic free for all, and all the planets are invited! New Moons usually are subtle events, with nary a sliver of the Moon visible in the sky since the Moon is so closely bound to the much brighter Sun.  New Moons are more like a whisper than a bang. But not this time.

This time it’s more like a gathering of a band of thieves. Not only are the Sun and Moon in Aries, but we have the addition of Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, and Uranus. Venus is near by in Pisces, and I think she must be tending bar. This leaves the heavy weights Saturn and Pluto to try to keep a handle on crowd control. If anyone could keep 6 planets in Aries into line it would be the authoritarian Saturn and head of the underworld, Pluto. But trying to hold in the freedom loving, adventuresome, risky, explosive, creative, and unpredictable energy of this Aries group would be hard for anyone to handle.

This is not the weekend to go out of town and trust your kids will not have a party while you are gone. Maybe you should add speed dial to the local police station. And this is not the time to explore the seedy part of town, or engage in anything risky, like drink and drive. You may be tempted to throw caution to the wind, but take a deep breath, slow down, and direct your energy toward something you can keep a handle on. Don’t do things that can spin out of control. This is a great weekend for getting outside and burning off some steam with biking or running. Go out to listen to music and dance like a mad man. Pull out those art supplies that are gathering dust and make a huge mess. This can be an amazingly creative time, fueled with new ideas and inspiration.

Of course we can expand our thoughts of barely controlled chaos much further a field, and focus in on the revolutions in the Middle East, especially the increasingly tense situation in Libya.   And the Uranian problems with the nuclear power reactors in Japan are not over yet. Radiation is leaking into the ocean, and no one is sure why or how to fix it.

This wild and crazy period will slow down Monday night when the Moon moves into the more stable sign of Taurus, and Neptune will provide a softening antidote in the sign of Pisces. I’ll write more about Neptune’s entrance into Pisces soon. But for now, send loving and peaceful energy into the world to create a counterpoint to the hot-headed ego-driven insanity of an Arian free for all. Fire is a good thing, but not when it burns out of control.

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