Full Moon in Taurus

Cosmogonic Tree by Marcia Snedecor

Full Moon in Taurus on Sunday Nov. 21 at 12:27 pm. Taurus is an earth sign. It is as strong and fixed in its nature as Scorpio but in an entirely different way, so it provides a good balance. Where Scorpio wants to heat things up, Taurus wants to cool things down. While Scorpio wants deep emotions, Taurus wants deep roots. The Moon is a nurturing principle and provides a container around you so that you feel protected and safe. With the Moon in Taurus, that protection can be very solid and grounded, holding you so closely that your emotional life can settle down and find a way to express itself. I’ve been listening to Dave Matthews’ song “When the World Ends” all month, and it seems to resonate in me the idea that even in complete chaos there can be safety. He says “Don’t you worry about a thing cause I’ve got you here with me…”  Our inner life can churn and burn as it comes to the surface, but if we are solid in any aspect of our lives we can feel contained and protected enough to allow it happen with some amount of objectivity, even creativity.

During this Full Moon in Taurus ask yourself: What makes me feel safe? What in my life settles me down and provides a solid container? If you don’t have a safety net yet, this Full Moon is a perfect time to think about what you need it to be. It could be a home, relationship, children, job, connection to the Divine, meditation, or nature. The best time for ceremony and meditation is from the Full Moon on Friday night through Monday at dawn when the beautiful ephemeral Moon slips into the west . Ponder these questions all weekend. Journal, dream, talk, draw, drop down grounding roots in guided visualizations. Let safety, protection, and comfort move through your every cell.