Full Moon in Aries


Aries by Eric Williams

You only have a few days left to kiss and make up. The time between the Full Moon on September 23rd and this Full Moon on October 22nd has contained a very rich opportunity to find the balance between the needs of yourself and the needs of others. Both Full Moons are in Libra/Aries  which emphasizes how important it is to maintain a balance in your different relationships. Of course the first relationship that comes to mind is your lover, wife, or husband. But Libra wants harmony in all your long lasting commitments, including best friends and business partners. This past month the bold and quick energy of Aries had you speaking your mind and your heart as never before. You may have been surprised by the power of your convictions and the strength to take care of yourself, and even left some confused and damaged relations behind. But if you look closer I think you will see that as you empower yourself that you also strengthen your relationships because you can’t have a really good relationship if you don’t fully show up as the unique individual that you are.

What to focus on this Full Moon? Take some time to consider what these past 30 days have been about regarding you and your relationships. Have you created any new partnerships? Are they based on the truth of who you are? or are you building them on the quicksand of superficial appearance and wishful thinking? Have you been honest in your existing relationships? Are there any rough edges you want to smooth over? Any friends you need to call and meet for coffee just to mend any frayed links. Parents? Children? Business Partners? Now is the time to harmonize your existing relationships, because with Scorpio coming in strong, you may discover that any unsettled feelings will come to a head with a vengeance.

Best times for ceremony and meditation are Thursday moonrise at 6 pm to Friday night at 10:30 pm EDT when the Moon changes from Aries to Taurus. And don’t forget the powerful beauty of the Full Moon setting at dawn on Friday morning in the west. Oh, and that beautiful, bright, and shining light you see near the Moon? That is Jupiter, and it will follow the Moon all night, and you can see it setting in the dawn’s early light as well. Jupiter is a planet that is protective and expansive, so it brings an extra energy to the harmony of all your relations.

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