Bold Actions on the Spring New Moon

Susan Seddon Boulet

BE BOLD!! That is the message of this New Moon in Aries on March 22nd. Spring began on Tuesday when the Sun entered the sign of Aries. Aries is the first sign in the zodiac and represents bold action and new beginnings. Now with the Moon also in Aries, it  doubles the urge within to begin something new.  Taking this Spring energy to absolutely new heights,  Uranus, the planet of rash and unpredictable action, joins in to make this New Moon even more exciting and intense. Then toss in Mercury, also in Aries, and it time to take flight.

Perhaps you have been feeling an onrush of energy, like you are about to jump out of your skin. It may be coming out as anxiety, irritability, or a generalized funk. This is because there is a major change in the air. This is a powerful rush of energy in the world, like a change in frequency that is pushing our ability to download information to a new speed. We are feeling overwhelmed right now with how fast everything seems to be going. Its as if the solar flares that reached their peak a few weeks ago have short circulated not only our satellites and technology, but also our inner wiring. There is a sense of being jangled, on edge, as if there is too much caffeine in our system and we are stuck in high gear.

To Do: Sit down, take some deep breaths, and close your eyes. Turn your senses inward and feel the frequency of your energy. You can do this by pretending you are sitting in your car and the motor is running. How fast is it running? Is it just humming along, quiet and in the background? Or do you feel like it is reved up, ready to take off?   Or, to use another analogy, imagine that you are a powerful eagle like the one in this image. You are charged with the energy of the sun and your wings are flapping as you leap to take off. But you realize that your feet are bound, so you flap and flap and flap your wings trying to break your binds and take off. Faster and faster you flap, but all that does is heighten your sense of frustration and limitation, leaving you exhausted and discouraged.

This energy of the New Moon in Aries conjoined Uranus is an opportunity to look within and see what it is you really, really want to do right now in your life. Do you want to travel? write? have children? get a new job? run around the block? Whatever it is, this New Moon is saying to Just Do It! (I think Nike must have been inspired by a New Moon in Aries…) And if you are feeling held back, don’t fight against that which limits you. Instead, look at it clearly, make the changes you need to set yourself free, remove the binding from yourself. You are the only one who can do it. Ah…. set free…take flight… You will have time to ground and center this energy when the Sun goes into Taurus, which is on April 19th. Until then, put your attention and your energy to cutting the cords that bind you and set your vision on a new horizon.