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The goal of Life Coaching is to bring your whole self – body, mind, spirit, and emotions – into harmony. You probably already strive for balance, and seek to stay centered as you move through life. But at times circumstances add stress to your system, and you get off balance. Those stressors can be due to positive changes, for instance a marriage, children, or new career. Other times they can be due to more difficult challenges, like divorce, illness, or dissatisfaction with a job.
When you are thrown off center by the circumstances of life, it is easy to get confused and lose confidence and direction. Together we can work to bring you back to your center, and to develop new insights and clear direction in your life. We start by looking at the whole of you and figuring out where your system is most out of alignment: is it the body? mind? spirit? or emotions? Then we develop a plan to move you back into balance. I use a variety of approaches tailored to your needs including deep listening, dream analysis, guided imagery, past life therapy, life coaching and strategic planning.

For example, if you feel trapped in your job, we first look to find out why. Then we strengthen your energy system by building on what sustains you. You may love yoga, reading, church, or spending time in nature. Then we find and correct the parts that are off balance. There is often an inner conflict between the mind and emotions, with the mind chattering non-stop about all the things you “should” do, and the heart feeling great sadness that the deeper needs of the soul have been forgotten.

Life Coaching is also useful during periods of transition to help you create a vision for the future. It brings together your hopes and wishes for the future with a personalized action plan. Life Coaching is especially helpful for people of any age during transitions such as changes in career, education, or relationships. You will connect your vision for a fulfilling life with the common sense steps to achieve it.

Life Coaching will help you:

 v Believe in yourself and your abilities

 v Explore creative ideas

 v Gain confidence

v Discover new strengths

 v Change direction in your career or school

 v Enhance your personal relationships

 v Navigate transitions in life such as marriage, divorce, birth, death

 v Draw strength from your cultural and religious beliefs.

 v Balance your professional and personal lives

 v Connect your vision for a fulfilling life with the common sense steps to achieve it.


Life Coaching is a holistic model of living based on:

 v The physical, emotional, intellectual, and spiritual elements of life.

 v Appreciation for the complexity and uniqueness of each individual.

v Belief that you can live a joyful and meaningful life

 v Willingness to change of beliefs and behaviors

 v Power of transformation

 v Awareness of self and the ability to increase your consciousness

 v Importance of staying centered and balanced in today’s stressful world


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